Buying TV ads through Google's DoubleClick is now a reality

Buying TV ads through Google's DoubleClick is now a reality

This is a boss move by Google. The media vendors (especially TV along with other media touchpoints) and media agency world are still digesting this massive news.

“Historically, TV and digital advertising have been bought and measured through different systems and currencies,” Google writes. “By adding traditional TV buying into DoubleClick Bid Manager, we are taking the first step towards allowing advertisers and agencies to manage their video campaigns across digital and linear TV, in a more efficient and effective way.”

Google announced that its new integrations will bring automation to buying traditional TV ads, extending the benefits of programmatic technology. TV networks and station owners will now reach new buyers, including advanced TV media buying groups and digital-first advertisers, through DoubleClick Bid Manager, broadening their access to U.S. TV audiences.

This is a big win for everyone since it has cracked the TV media buying landscape wide open. We can expect to see advertisers switch up the media mix between digital and traditional media. There will also be a rush for upskilling talents for this new landscape of TV buying.

Google brings traditional TV inventory to DBM
Google is making traditional TV inventory available via DoubleClick Bid manager in the US in a move that will also see it provide advertisers with “impact-based metrics” to better evaluate how ads on the large screen boost search activity.