What is the ideal marketing planning and operations process?

What is the ideal marketing planning and operations process?

Even after more than a decade of dealing with corporate marketing teams, I'm still baffled by why marketing functions in corporate organizations don't have a "Marketing Planning" team. In B-schools, we are taught about the importance of the marketing planning process. Also, we can easily find a similar Demand Planning team, Business Planning team, Sales Planning team and many more. Yet, we don't find a Marketing Planning team in most organizations.

Some would argue that this task is managed by other teams such as Product Marketing, Product Management, Marketing Operations, etc. In those cases, it is most likely those teams are taking on this task on top of their actual responsibilities. And in other cases, it's because accountability and responsibilities aren't defined clearly.

From my POV, I believe that the Marketing Planning team or committee is central to coordinating and developing marketing strategies while following through on the executions. But, having such a team can only enable marketing functions to be closer to business while running a tight ship.

This Gartner report also highlighted a few insights on how CMOs in B2B and B2C are evolving their organization setup.

  • Across the board, most have accelerated towards fully centralized marketing teams
  • B2B Marketing leaders are leading the way by prioritizing innovation and operations due to the nature of the sector while B2C leaders continue to focus on brand management and digital marketing 

Digital marketing highlights the level of catching up still to do in 2023.